Privacy policy

Tallis Chamber Orchestra Society (“TCO”) is a charity registered with the Charity Commission under number 268734. It is committed to keeping personal data under its control safe and secure. The data held by TCO relating to individuals will only be used for the following purposes.

The names and contact details of players (including past and prospective players) are maintained by TCO’s fixers for the purpose of inviting them to play in, and informing them of arrangements for, concerts and other engagements which involve TCO or smaller ensembles using the name of TCO.

Players’ names and addresses are maintained by the Treasurer for the purpose of making claims to HMRC for Gift Aid on subscriptions paid by players to perform in TCO.

TCO sends emails and postal communications to members of the public who have opted to receive details of concerts involving TCO (mailing list). These emails and postal communications are limited to promoting performances by TCO and related activities. A limited amount of data is retained by TCO to enable contact to be made with such members of the public, namely their names, email addresses and postal addresses. All emails and postal communications include the option for the recipient to opt out of future communications from the orchestra. Should the recipient decide to opt out, all data relating to that individual will be deleted from TCO’s records.

Players and members of the public have the right to view the information TCO holds on them at any time. Any requests for such information should be sent to TCO’s Secretary (contact us) and will be promptly dealt with.

This privacy policy may be revised from time to time. The latest version will be posted on TCO’s website.

Issued September 2018